3 Amigos Digital Marketing is a Chicago based marketing company specializing in cutting-edge digital advertising.

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  • Why us?

    Our advertising screens are installed in the best possible place for maximum exposure. Unlike traditional advertising that is printed, content can be easily changed within minutes at any time. You are no longer limited in running the same advertisement day to day, now you can highlight new promotions every month.

  • Small business ROI

    Our platform & customer reach is tailored for local & small businesses.

  • You have their complete attention.
    What will you say?

    Drive your own advertising and creativity or leave it to us to give your future customer the perfect picture of what you do. Our professional designers & copywriters will WOW your potential audience with cutting-edge marketing strategy & beautiful designs you'll be proud of.

Clients advertising

Ken's Original Tree Service, Wynn Films, The Dance Shop, The Boy Band Night, Mark Nilsson, Ambient Uplighting, Cool Clouds, Dirty DJ, Metropolis Beef Jerky, Elsa The Snow Queen.


115 Bourbon Street

Contact us

Phone #: 888-902-9759
Email: sales@3amigosdm.com

Why are we good for your business?

3 Amigos Digital Marketing is a local business striving to help businesses grow their clientele with a high return for a low cost. Our advertising works for all businesses no matter how large or how small.

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"Professional experience from the very beginning. I wanted to explore a different avenue of advertising for my film production company and 3ADM made it really easy for me. Communication was prompt and I was guided through the entire process of creating my ad and getting it uploaded. I’ve already turned a small profit with a booking. The cost is really low anyway so there’s not a lot to lose and more business to gain as it was in my case." - Mark Wynimko

Wynn Films Logo

About us

3 Amigos Digital Marketing is a group of three friends who have been in the hospitality industry for over 20 years and have noticed the need for a change in advertising. From torn down posters, posters with misspellings and posters with out-dated content, we decided there needs to be a better way. We designed our system to help both establishments and local businesses keep a fresh approach to marketing.

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